
how do i blog

This is a meta post in order to teach myself from the future how to do it!

I often spend a few weeks without the desire to write anything in my blog (I should fix that but let’s be real first), but at some moment I do want to type some letters down.. but they I freeze.. how do I do it?

These are the steps I used to write this blog post starting from complete scratch:

  1. I use hugo.

  2. These are the relevant commands run using Hugo

    hugo new site wandersoncferreira
    hugo new posts/first.md
    cd themes/
    git submodule add git@github.com:wandersoncferreira/hugo-theme-nostyleplease.git
  3. I use Emacs

  4. My Emacs has a ox-hugo plugin enabled

  5. These are the relevant lines to configure ox-hugo properly

    (after! ox-hugo
      (setq org-hugo-base-dir "~/code/wandersoncferreira.github.io"
            org-hugo-section "posts"))
  6. I wrote an org file inside the orgfiles folder

  7. I had to add some special meta information in the header of the file:

    1. #+title:
    2. #+date: created using M-x org-time-stamp
    3. #+draft: true or false
    4. [OPTIONAL] #+author:
    5. [OPTIONAL] #+filetags:
      1. are you wondering why filetags and not only tags? The answer is waiting for you
  8. Time to publish

    1. spc m e to run org-export-dispatch
    2. H to export to ox-hugo
    3. commit all the files

A clever github action will handle everything from here onwards!